
From SemanticOrganization
Revision as of 20:50, 5 July 2020 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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This page is part of the Semantic Organization extension.


Features Pages Description
Membership administrationUsers
  • Manage users
Personnel administrationUsers
  • Manage users
Vacation scheduleVacations
  • Keep track of your member's absenteeisms
  • Create invoices and track their status
  • Track open tasks and their status
MeetingsMeetings, Group Meetings, Project Meetings, Department Meetings
  • Create agendas and minutes for meetings
  • Meetings can be created for Working groups, Projects, and Departments
GDPRGDPR Processings
  • Document processings, categories of data and individuals etc.
  • Document business processes and the responsible roles for every process step
Commitees/Working groupsGroups, Group Meetings, Past Group Meetings
  • Create permanent or temporary working groups
  • Document the group's responsibilities and members
  • Inspired by Sociocracy's working groups
Project overviewProjects, Inactive Projects, Closed Projects, Project Meetings, Past Project Meetings
  • Document who is involved in which projects
DepartmentsDepartments, Department Meetings
  • Cluster the members working in the same fields
RolesRoles, Inactive Roles, Role Meetings, Past Role Meetings
  • Document responsibilities of roles
  • Based loosely on Holocracy
Knowledge database and ManualsKnowledge Database, Manuals
  • Document your organization's knowledge and make it easily available
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